What can a Support Worker do for me?

An Support Worker plays a crucial role in assisting individuals with disabilities to live more independently and achieve their personal goals.

The most common responsibilities and duties of a Support Worker are:

  1. Personal Care: Providing assistance with daily personal activities. This can include helping with personal hygiene, shower, dressing, feeding, and mobility.
  2. Skill Development: Supporting participants in developing and maintaining skills needed for everyday life, such as cooking, shopping, budgeting, and public transportation use.
  3. Community Participation: This is all about getting out and into the community. A support worker will encourage and facilitate participation in community activities, social events, and recreational programs to enhance social interaction and community engagement.
  4. Support with Daily Tasks: Helping with domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and meal preparation to support clients in maintaining their household.
  5. Behavioural Support: Providing support to manage emotional and behavioural difficulties, implementing strategies in line with Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBSP) if needed.
  6. Transportation: Assisting with transportation to enable clients to attend: Appointments, Access community services or to participate in work or educational opportunities.
  7. Advocacy and Empowerment: Acting as an advocate for the individual’s needs and rights, and empowering them to make choices and decisions regarding their care and support.

Our support workers at Evergreen Support Services are highly trained and are prepared to meet yours needs.